What people are saying about "My Muse"
My Muse
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Gimme back my TU!
about 11 years ago
@Perfect micro skills: Let's be honest, when you understand what those russians say, you wish you didn't.
about 11 years ago
Gimme back my TU!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277612]@Keideki[/url]: ... and he has to scream. Or eat ice cream, I'm always confusing those.
about 11 years ago
Confirmed: Jo has teeth despite no visible orifice. SCIENCE!
about 11 years ago
You would be a huge Eldritch abomination without Engie-kun!
about 11 years ago
What's this? A dota comic that isn't so full of slang and in-jokes that I understand less that half of it? It's a Christmas miracle!
Lol is stupid
about 11 years ago
dota lol n'hun are stupid games 4 retarded people click click click on other hero champion or any shit to win ,soo boring sooo stupid sooo idiot sooo patetic sooo disgusting,starcraft and warcraft real challenge strategy games,felt ashamed for letting this crap birth
so sad bicht
Liro Raeriyo
about 11 years ago
... we must have TWO 1000th COMIC CELEBRATIONS!
about 11 years ago
Actually it is three to comic 1000 and 6 until the 1000th comic
about 11 years ago
We're not 3 comics away from 1000, we're 6 comics, unless Jo releases comics 1, 2 and 3 >:L
about 11 years ago
There's an old tale wrought with the mystery of Jo
The artist and his muse
And the magic bat which gave a life
To the blood the artist spewed

Now the muse she was it's happiness
And he drew about her rage
And made her stories of video games
Deep beneath the DoTA craze
about 11 years ago
Where did that tooth come from.... he has no mouth...
about 11 years ago
3 more comics to 1000...
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277362]@anonymous[/url]: she is Jo's feminine side. So when you fap to her in fact you are fapping to Jo
Working Hard
about 11 years ago
I love DOTA Jo. Play it every night. Make whatever you feel like.
I'll still check back daily.
Shifty Eyes
about 11 years ago
-_- I learned about TF2 from this comic why Jo why
about 11 years ago
TF2 is my kick back game, but Jo, just love the comics no matter what the game...even if it must be DOTA xP
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277518]@yo[/url] It's Jo's comic not yours, don't like it, don't read it.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277473]@Invoker[/url]: "Brs are considered to be the worst kinds of players in any game" fixed that for you.
about 11 years ago
Nobody cares, dude. Stop writing comics about your personal life, this isn't Twitter.
about 11 years ago
Ahhh, Those were the days...
Perfect micro skills
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277473]@Invoker[/url]: It's like the russians you think they play bad because you can't get a thing they are saying
about 11 years ago
I remember when this site was dedicated to me.....
about 11 years ago
Also, Jo should post his Dotabuff account so we can laugh at his face
about 11 years ago
@Perfect micro skills: Fun fact: Brs are considered to be one of the worst kinds of Dota 2 players, but Jo is BR
about 11 years ago
Perfect micro skills
about 11 years ago
Fun fact of the day, jo is in very high skill bracket
about 11 years ago
Just a little Bio Facts some tentacles have teeth in the suckers to hold tighter. You're Welcome.
about 11 years ago
Mad truths being dropped by, Jo.
about 11 years ago
seriously wtf ???
about 11 years ago
so Jo is a couch potato tentacle with tooth ?
about 11 years ago
... My god Engie is also Scout.
Mister Know it all
about 11 years ago
AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE... Who wants more left 4 dead comics?
rocket solly
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277309]@RVN[/url]: you speak the truth son
about 11 years ago
hey guys i got a serious question aimed at jo. i know engie is just a female version of the team fortress engineer, but is she also based on a real life lady who works and lives with you jo?
about 11 years ago
Domestic abuse is no joke.

...Then again, he IS a purple tentacle. Is it racist if I say that's OK?
about 11 years ago
dota now!.com
about 11 years ago
OMG, he is a tentacle, with TOOTH! I fear Jô from now D=
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277293]@Serathis[/url] "Rereads first story arcs" "Sees Engie's panties all the time and Drone-tan" "Rereads comment" "Laughs" Nerfnow always had a sexy vibe. As for dota2, he writes about what he plays. I didn't complain about mass effect comics did I? ^^
about 11 years ago
Write about the recently DDoS attacks to pro players!
Sam N
about 11 years ago
is Engie and actual person?
about 11 years ago

also why does a tentacle have a tooth
about 11 years ago
@blink dagger: yep, i'm the real one [url=#user_comment_277290] @Turkashi[/url]: no, i'm spanish @dota2 ROX: you should save that kind of comments for the LOL fanbase
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277293]@Serathis[/url]: ya, thankfully we have them now
dota2 ROX
about 11 years ago
another le epic le dota2 le comic XDDDD

u shud do more
Mister Pink
about 11 years ago
You'd still be a virgin.
about 11 years ago
Remember when NerfNOW wasn't purely about Dota and fanservice? :/
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: You're a asian or Arabian right? else how could you read a comic from right to left? :-) nice find btw
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: healing bat: just 25$ at mann.co store!
blink dagger
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: are u the real RVN? otherwise i don't see why many responses...
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: DO WANT
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277260]@howtodealwithnerfs[/url]: or just play vanilla, noob
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: actually if they put that in the game i'll stop playing TF2...
healing scout
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: pls valve implement
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277255]@RVN[/url]: scout OP
about 11 years ago
If you read this comic from right to left it's about a healing bat.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277226]@Seriously[/url]: This comic is about how brutal DOTA can be, not about not having an idea of what to draw.
The True
about 11 years ago
Jo is a couch potato.
about 11 years ago
@joker doom ace: Well, I didn't until you said it...CAN'T UNHEAR
Another passerby
about 11 years ago
What would he be? Not in an abusive relationship, at a guess.
about 11 years ago
Jo must really be running out of ideas. One self-referential comic about not having an idea of what to write is one thing, but this is like the 8th. You can only rehash this idea so many times Jo.

about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277185]@1nsaneo[/url]: Maybe he's like Dr Claw, and all this time, we've only been seeing Jo's arm (or, given how much fanservice there is in this comic, his 'arm').
about 11 years ago
Is it just me, or is Jo getting fat? Good thing Engie is there to...

-puts on sun glasses-

beat him into shape...

Nobody? anyone?
Lieutenant Obvious
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277187]@12345[/url]: This isn't even a DotA comic...
about 11 years ago
*Need more inspiration?
joker doom ace
about 11 years ago
anyone else insert the home run bat sound effect from smash bros in the second panel?
about 11 years ago
Thought for a second the excuse would be due to the Boston bombs. But I guess not everything comes to a halt :)
about 11 years ago
Clear L2P issues here.
about 11 years ago
Sixth! Or something...

Also, as usual, still not keen on all the DOTA2 comics.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277180]@GuardianTempest[/url]: You obviously know nothing about tentacles!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277180]@GuardianTempest[/url] We've never seen Joe's whole body. Nothing says that there isn't a mouth down there. Heck, there might be a whole invertebrate off screen.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277179]@Mandude[/url] Hey, I've been wanting to be first for a long time. Also, how does a tentacle get a tooth knocked out of him, when there is no visible mouth?
about 11 years ago
GuardianTempest, taking the "Troll NOW!!" button too seriously since 1973.
about 11 years ago