What people are saying about "Retcon Ink 2"
Retcon Ink 2
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5 months ago
With the name Victorie it's no wonder she wins everything.
Beast Wolf
5 months ago
Ever see the movie "Zathura"?
5 months ago
"Victorie?" I thought her name was Victoire? She's been lying about being french this whole time!
5 months ago
No more information than the name and the gender ? then it's not even her sister anymore. Good job Anne.
5 months ago
@Семен Холоднов The title is not trying to be "Retconning". "Retcon Ink"- as in, Ink that Retcons, which is the joke.
5 months ago
5 months ago
Origin: Brazil?
5 months ago
Classified. All Classified.
5 months ago
I am fairly certain "retconning" is spelled as one word, and with a "g" at the end.
5 months ago
jon: INK