What people are saying about "Unionized"
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about 2 years ago
Figures Angie would get hyped from the concept alone.
about 2 years ago
Then after making the pic of the turret with tits, Jack would go on a rant about newer iterations of franchises that started decades before he was born have changed over time.
about 2 years ago
That last panel Angie cracks me up so much! I can feel her energy.
about 2 years ago
Jolly Jack would have found a way to put boobs on the turrets. This is fact.
about 2 years ago
Why not compromise? Fanservice cheesecake of Sentry?
about 2 years ago
The description of Sentry sums up my experience playing Space Hulk. You know, that ancient video game where you control 1 of a squad of Space Marines and you're trying to clean out an infestation of Tyranid? Somehow the space marine you control can manage his heat, but every other space marine can't