What people are saying about "Passing The Torch"
Passing The Torch
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over 3 years ago
'Slap my hand!

Come on, Slap it now!'

- V, if there were still image notes on Nerf Now!!
over 3 years ago
It's funny - I EXPECTED to have a blast with the gunplay in CP2077 - but I've REALLY enjoyed the stealth, the hacking and,SURPRISINGLY, the melee combat?!

I NEVER play melee in these games!!!

But I can move so fast and I'm so agile and I've got all the hacks I can pop to trip a boss up!
over 3 years ago
In playing a game in testing phases. Things like the doorway bug are only found once they hit the world at large. Just put that info on the forum, and CDPR will fix it as they move forward. They're not Bethesda, they want to make their game better than it was at launch.
over 3 years ago
So when I was a video game tester for THQ, in the 2 week crash course on testing (which was the second interview in reality) we were told one tester is suppose to represent 10,000 players, and all the ways they play a game. That's really a load of bunk, because there are things no one will think
over 3 years ago
Disagree completely. Im 10 hours (On PC, with drivers, with latest patch, a massively overpowered PC even for new games ect ect) I've experienced two game breaking bugs, hundreds of small visual glitches, and a severe lack of promised features. The backstory is like 5 conversations and a cutscene.
over 3 years ago
I bricked a save file on the very last door of the Heist. Apparently, if you walk out the very last door carrying a body and step back it traps you inside. It wasn't locked, just wouldn't open as it's coded as a one way door ingame. I lost 3 hours restarting the mission from the beginning.
over 3 years ago
I'm glad its doing well. Its not a game I'm interested in, but we all need to root for the developer, because they also run the best gaming storefront GOG.com, and what's good for them, is good for us, the customers.
over 3 years ago
Hopefully Cyberpunk can ALSO turn into a highly successful tv show, as well!