What people are saying about "New UI"
New UI
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over 7 years ago
(continued) both of which are wish fulfillment characters who are often giving some Minor failings to make them slightly less perfect.
over 7 years ago
@Elyseon my comment was there to point out the flaw in shellhit calling him a Mary sue, which is a female who's a radiant flower of purity.("Perfect Woman") when he should've suggested he was a Marty stu, an absolute badass who can flawlessly kill entire armies without a scratch.("perfect man")
over 7 years ago
@nightarix: Going from stormtrooper to rebel to Jedi didn't happen overnight, and each of those happened for important reasons. He had a lot of character development over the years. Being a certified badass does not a Sue make.
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit: He went through a lot of shit, and while some refer to him as the Chuck Norris of Star Wars, he's far from sueish. He fails like everyone else. His ability to use dark side abilities was always a source of concern for him. He did his share of stupid shit, but evolved.
over 7 years ago
@MisterGunpowder: Batman can be pretty sueish if the story is handled poorly. Also I am looking at wiki page of Kyle and he also beat Boba Fett and was Luke Skywalker's student. I don't say for sure, but this looks like a bad fanfic level of totally radical character to me.
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit It's what a Mary Sue/Marty Stu does to a story that defines them as such, not secondary characteristics like that. We don't call Batman a Marty Stu, even though he became an expert detective, master martial artist, and superb actor all by the age of 21 or so.
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit Technically he would be a Marty Stu, not a Mary Sue. which are the same thing except gender.(blatent wish fulfillment characters)
over 7 years ago
Isn't Kyle Katarn is one of the marysuest character ever? He is stormtrooper, rebel, mercenary, jedy master who can also use dark force stuff, etc, etc...
over 7 years ago
@White Rice: The AU purge carried out by Disney was an outrage that many fans will never forget. Interestingly enough, some people behind the Rebels series seem to be trying to sneak parts of the AU back into canon territory.
over 7 years ago
@Elyseon: since Disney got Star Wars, all the EU stuff stopped being canon. As of now, the movies, the shows, and 2 books are all that's "official". Kyle doesn't exist anymore (especially since the whole "get the Death Star plans" thing was the first introduction to Katarn in dark forces)
over 7 years ago
@Aard Ambrose: That isn't true. I've carried and been carried multiple times. Yea, one guy can fuck you over but in another game some other dude can be the sole saving grace you have.
That is why I prefer DoTa over LoL or HotS:It's so swingy! And people at low MMR are always frustrated, in any game
over 7 years ago
@MangoMaster4: That's why I'm hesitant to even look at Star Wars at this point. The one-two punch of Disney (textbook example of capitalist exploitation) owning the IP and JJ Abrams (nerd nostalgia fetishist) helming the sequels makes me hostile.
over 7 years ago
In other games, even if your team loses, you can personally do alright much more often. DOTA teams, almost always, go down all at once. Even if by some miracle you did great, your MMR still falls. Thus, at low MMRs, people rapidly become too frustrated and fed up to be nice.
over 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: Dota is a pretty fun game, and despite what you might have heard, people love the updates.

Sure some of the players are dicks, but isn't that the same for every online game?
over 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: To have something to complain about?

Also, if they're doing a Star Wars spinoff movie, why not something about Kyle Katarn?
over 7 years ago
What's fun about dota 2? All I ever hear is that the games are too long all the people are dicks, and the updates break everything. Why even play it?
over 7 years ago
The problem with Rogue One is that episode VII was just not very good. I watched VII for the same reason I watched the prequels and VII, but it makes less and less sense to me to watch star wars, because it just hasn't been good since the sequels.
over 7 years ago
I don't mind family friendly. Sometimes it's good to watch some harsh, gritty stuff, others to watch some good old fable style.
over 7 years ago
There should be buttons for "racial slur", "homophobic accusation" and "hue". For old-school players.