What people are saying about "Asswatch"
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Jeffrey Gunn
almost 8 years ago
Dva's pistol does about 93 DPS. Her mech guns do 168 DPS. The issue is that the mech guns do less damage from a distance, and slow her down while shooting which can make it hard to keep up the damage. But regardless, if you are very close as mech Dva you will do much more damage than her pistol.
almost 8 years ago
@Nathaniel Trisler: D.Va is being buffed as we speak.
almost 8 years ago
on the DVA pilot gun. that got nerfed to hell
almost 8 years ago
You are like a million years to late to a situation that was way less grave then everyone expected.

almost 8 years ago
@Frost: Go Genji to counter Widowmaker
almost 8 years ago
@Maxime Patenaude-Tarissan: Not to mention that most omnics (not just Zenyatta, but Mondata and the unnamed ones in the crowd in the "Alive" short) have exposed hydraulics here and there.
almost 8 years ago
Widowmaker is absolutely terrifying in the hands of someone who can aim. I'm pretty much required to go Winston if there is a competent widowmaker on the enemy team. She'll definitely be nerfed in the next few patches.
almost 8 years ago
Oh god, I want Angie so bad.
almost 8 years ago
About the roofs. If it's flat, it's game. If not, you're gonna slip off.
almost 8 years ago
I'd accept her new outfit.
almost 8 years ago
Regarding junkrat, you'll note he's wearing a VERY thick boot and a metal pegleg. Besides, health pickups aren't as plentiful in OW as in TF2, so i can see why they wouldn't penalize bomb jumping.
D.Va does have a buff incoming, but she is primarily a harassing tank.
almost 8 years ago
Wait, you don't mind lack of logic in dota but you do in overwatch? (I never played overwatch tho)
almost 8 years ago
You guys missed the perfect opportunity. The anti tracer's ass sign should have a who you gonna call photo note.
Mr. Al
almost 8 years ago
I tried playing one game against other ppl with my friend. was basically a widowmaker quickscoping me all the way, whether I was the healer or builder, and not one teammate could give a crap. I'm gunna stay casual and stick to the co-op vs bots "training" mode.
almost 8 years ago
@GarketMardener: NO IT HASN'T SHUT UP.
almost 8 years ago
@Anonymous The 20hz tickrate servers make everything much worse in that regard, though. It's like adding 33 to EVERYONE'S ping, and anyone that's played TF2 late at night knows that higher pings lead to some pretty major BS. The netcode in general is awful, but that is worst because it was a choice.
almost 8 years ago
This has gone too far.
almost 8 years ago
D.Va's mech gun has a huge drop-off at range. The mech guns does good damage up close and doesn't need to be reloaded.
Zenyatta was op back in closed beta days. Thus his low hp. Yes, he's made of metal, but guns, arrows, bombs, and electricity can go through metal. Oh yeah, icicles as well.
almost 8 years ago
@Gregory Williams: That's going to happen regardless of the tickrate, but you did hit on one of the two gripes I have with the game; over-dependence on client-side calculations. The "Favor the Shooter" design just doesn't really work out in my opinion.
almost 8 years ago
Overtime - I actually like it more like this it discourages the "wait untill overtime and do fuck all usefull to the team till then" mentality even more.

I'd agree on the widowmaker charge though way too fast for a sniper shot. There are ways to counter, like not ignoring the sniper deaths.
almost 8 years ago
Zenyatta - Robots are made of metal which is not neceserally armor. Every sci-fi robot has shields though.

Maps - It was the same thing in tf2 everyone got used to after playing for more than a few hours on a map
almost 8 years ago
Junkrat - Well the whole game doesn't have fall damage so by that logic boosting your jump shouldn't aswell

D-Va: She was never meant to be a damage dealer with the mechguns it's supposed to be a tank ish hybrid. More like a combo char with airdash into shooting and melee.
almost 8 years ago
That last issue relates back to the 20hz tickrate servers. Same reason why I'm constantly dying behind corners and after I activate life-saving abilities. But as long as Blizzard can save a buck, I'm SO very happy for them.
almost 8 years ago
(Since the system is being retarded and not letting me edit, yay double post) Hanzo's bow is a royal pain in the ass to aim and it baffles me how people actually manage to get kill streaks going with it.
almost 8 years ago
Don't get me started on the fucking roofs. There's no indication of whether you can climb to them or not until you've wasted a grappling hook cooldown... and promptly slide off looking like an idiot.
almost 8 years ago
@jo armor implies, well, armor and something in metal isint automatically armored. given omnics like zenyatta arent war machines, theire body is probably just made of thin metal sheets that have zero bulletbroof properties.
almost 8 years ago
@Le Hong Nhat: He has shields, but no armor.
almost 8 years ago
I don't get it, I'm pretty sure Zenyetta has some sort of armor