What people are saying about "Permission"
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over 8 years ago
shouldn't it be more correct to be:"How dare you take our money
over 8 years ago
Oh, thats the Punchline.
I thought they had stolen a Sentry and used it as "unusual Shotgun with auto aim"
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
@Noble Savant: It's cool, thanks for the corrections. All fixed now I think.
almost 9 years ago
A few typos. Did you girls *get any unusual *shotguns??

Sorry for being that guy!
almost 9 years ago
So ann marie is just a dragon hoarding all of her stripper money.
almost 9 years ago
@BD34D: i think it might be a side job. Or a way out if they get in trouble
almost 9 years ago
Do they get extra for fanservice? Or is it included in the paycheck as standard?