What people are saying about "Art Thief"
Art Thief
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almost 9 years ago
@Feodor T.: I'd like to see him come back too, or at least make an appearance before vanishing again.
almost 9 years ago
TentaJo better be back soon...
almost 9 years ago
Tentajo stylus also compels the wielder to create fan-service often.
almost 9 years ago
Does this mark the return of Tentajo?
almost 9 years ago
I couldn't play through Witcher 2 myself. Between dealing with the confusing and difficult combat and menu systems, I got stuck on one particular quest that was overly difficult very early into the game. I stopped playing after that.
Mr. Al
almost 9 years ago
yep, out of the trilogy, W2 is the shortest. that stated, you could always simulate a W2 save when starting a new W3 game?
almost 9 years ago
I thought it'd be kinda cool if Angie got her comic ideas from wearing Jo's beret also. Add that to the magic pen and you've got the comic expert Angie has become ^_^
almost 9 years ago
Witcher 2 is the shortest and the most manageable. I say it's pretty much as long as it needs to be, if not a tad bit too short if you don't want to play it again sometime later.
That said witcher 1 was way too long. 70% of time spend on loading screens.
almost 9 years ago
@Pablo Lomez: What about Witcher 1? I finished act 1 and that's it.
almost 9 years ago
I played through Witcher 2 in 30~ hours, including all sidequest on Ioverth path. Its not that long honestly. No need to be afraid :)
almost 9 years ago
So, first Jane steals Angie's fancy cheesecake, now her magic pen... I think Jane is a glutton for punishment. :|
almost 9 years ago
@AlOkay I think you can buy some Jo substitutes for your own pleasure on some sites.
almost 9 years ago
I started to miss tentacle Jo
almost 9 years ago
It's not theft it's CLAIMED FOR MURICA.
almost 9 years ago
Oh, as for THIS strip, I actually WAS wondering how Angie's art skills became so good in such a short time. I think I even mentioned it many strips ago.
almost 9 years ago
Anyway, the game's either fun for you or not, and you're either able to ignore it when people are assholes or not. If it isn't fun or isn't worth it for you then that's understandable. Just don't trash the game to people who DO like it, since that's inconsiderate.
almost 9 years ago
I guess going into Dota expecting the worst helped me deal with it when I did end up on a team with somebody really nasty. These days if somebody's being a prick I will report them and mute them. And I think the steps Valve's taken to encourage people to behave better have helped to some degree.
almost 9 years ago
Continuing the Dota discussion from last time: telling people to kill themselves is not cool, and I've never done it, nor have the vast majority of people I've played with. Sometimes people do get abusive in the game, but I was warned to be ready for that before I tried it.
almost 9 years ago
i'm Calling it now for the future, Jane is going to break reality and than crazy shenanigans will begin trying to fix the world and than everyone gets super powers.

TLDR: Jane will become Super Man CALLING IT
almost 9 years ago
Them it turns out that Jo is the spirit that lives jn the pen and not the tentacle.
almost 9 years ago
Jane steals the Pen and starts drawing her perverse shipping dreams.
Turns out she was a closet dumb shipping fan girl all along and is running ammuck now that her wildest lustful dreams are molded into reality.

Either that or maybe she can play Ever Lasting Summer.
almost 9 years ago
Ah, yes, the living entity of an artist is through their tool for creation... One could say we're just the manifestation of the desires of our pens.
almost 9 years ago
it was 7/10 until the 3rd panel showed up
almost 9 years ago
Suggestion: If you want a dark, grim story with death, rape, witchcraft and all other cool gloomy shit, pick Roche.
If you want more a classical not-so-gloomy story, pick Iorveth. Also features more boobies.

In time, you shall know what this means.
almost 9 years ago
Adorable Angie is adorable. Keep up the good work! Loving the comic!
almost 9 years ago
I came, I saw, I commented :P