What people are saying about "Late Game"
Late Game
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over 10 years ago
And this is why I main SS
Random Dude
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337973]@Technature[/url]: The irony, considering your name....
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337959]@Xedric[/url] Could you speak in English please?
over 10 years ago
Yeeeeah... We've started creeping back into "only people who play DotA will get the joke" territory. I have no idea what's going on.
over 10 years ago
So in other words, 1250 damage per shot (10 wards), 3750 damage per second. say his hex is maxed for 3.5 seconds, that's 13k damage before he changes back out of chicken. Even if he some how has, let's say 25 armor, that's still 5.2k damage. He's dead. SS wins. Fatality.
over 10 years ago
You guys don't seem to be following this correctly. He got chicken'd which means he's silenced and disarmed for at least 3 seconds. The shadow shaman clearly has aghanim's, increasing the damage on those serpent wards. He'll be dead or nearly dead, wards do 125 at 3 times a second.
over 10 years ago
.........what...the actual...fuck?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337942]@MrPi[/url]: Have you ever checked it? http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Bounty_Hunter Wards count as units, btw. People with Phaseboots can also get out of them.
over 10 years ago
And did i got even an "nicely done"? Ha. Ingrateful assholes. This is the reason i stopped playing dota 2. People like to complain more than play. [url=#user_comment_337930][url=#user_comment_337930] @Xedric[/url][/url]: And i thought i was the only one to play Brewmaster.
over 10 years ago
Makes me remember one of my first matches, I was an Jakiro, the Dire was already on our ancient and everyone was dead except me, people bitchin' because i got an refresher orb, but then POW, Dual Macropyre on them sent them running back to their homes, too bad i only killed one. We won...
over 10 years ago
@Krystian Padilla Díaz: Wrong Bh Invis does not give free pathing like phaseboots or spectral dagger does...
so he will be trapped until he destroys one ward
over 10 years ago
Bounty's invisibility makes him able to walk through the wards, though. If he has some HP items (Drums, bkb), he could just walk away from that, even if Shaman placed a sentry.
over 10 years ago
inb4 dealwithit
Random Dude
over 10 years ago
Considering that Bounty Hunter tracked first instead of backstab, he had it coming.
over 10 years ago
So much disable......
over 10 years ago
nooo not dota2 again
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
Jo thumbs up for you! Shafow shaman is one of my favorite supports and playing late game got to wreck a phantom assassin in an assault by the enemy team. Granted they try to siege in but a well placed ultimate can wreck their shit.
over 10 years ago
I started playing dota2 a month back because I couldn't understand these. Now I have 16 faves, two pages of gear and waaaaay too much rape with Brewmaster.