What people are saying about "Bait"
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over 12 years ago
That reminds me the reaction of an arrogand bitch in a reality game in MTV where she saw the videogames collection of a boy and says "You still play games? Well, that means you don't need me.".
over 12 years ago
Its incredible how some people are so superfical that they let societal prejudices judge how they treat people.
almost 13 years ago
I read that article, and i cant belive anyone would write something like. i know there is people out there like her, but i didnt think they would actualy write articles, showing the whole word how horrible human beings they are.
Anyways, great comic is always :)
almost 13 years ago
Nicely pointed out. Some so-called "game reviewers" tend to bash really nice games or praise really bad games to get more clicks. I do read those for example, to really know why that game scored that low/high.
A Guy
almost 13 years ago
As David Wong wrote it on Cracked: "ask yourself: If some music site posts an article called, "Fall Out Boy is a Fine Band" and on the same day posts another one called, "Fall Out Boy is the Shittiest Fucking Band of the Last 100 Years, Say Experts," which do you think will get the most traffic?"
almost 13 years ago
I'm a keen Warhammer player (Fantasy and 40k) and find it very hard to get some people past the "*Eyeroll* Manchild playing with toy soldiers" stigma associated with wargaming. I meet and befriend real people playing Warhammer. That blogger just sits alone writing to a people she will never meet.
Elia Moroes
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Didn't read text.
Couldn't get past first panel.
I think I broke the zipper in my pants.
almost 13 years ago
Don't really care about it.
Prejudice bitches go down hill after this anyway when their midlife crysis kicks in and they realize that all the "safe" fratboys are shit for marriage.
Also in the male part if you hear the your date uses the "3-hit" method thats one big red blinking sign to BAIL ASAP.
almost 13 years ago
no one is ever alone on the internet

it is far worse to be the kind of poisonous soul that hates others just because they are different. also: jocks
almost 13 years ago
People wonder why other people give a crap about a Gizmodo article.

I'm just wondering how much lower it'll be before Gizmodo writers start handing out personal information in a bid to get viewers.

They're already working their way down the ladder.
almost 13 years ago
I'm amazed that people are actually giving something from Gizmodo a second thought.
almost 13 years ago
I want more of the adventures of Darth Sugarpuff!
almost 13 years ago
heard the editor that wrote the article got fired
almost 13 years ago
@Cyclone Duke

This actually happens in my browser as well. Must be some specific routine when dealing with some browsers. Or maybe just some bad coded JavaScript.
almost 13 years ago
this might be useful.

almost 13 years ago
they are reaping money from the nerd/geeks while making fun of them as well...

Someone up to a Distributed Denial of Service Attack? (DDoS atk)
Cyclone Duke
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74554]@Lockgar[/url]: Why do you think Jo would know that? He's an artist not a web programmer. And if the rest of us aren't complaining of the same thing, chances are it's a problem with your browser/computer instead?
almost 13 years ago
In this one btw Engie reminds me of the engie from first storyline, pyro goes through all that to save her, and she jumps on the guy who did nothing.
almost 13 years ago
Well, thanks for the link. Didn't even hear about this before your comic.

Personally, I'm not really angry. I'm just sad that this chick is fine with the guy until she learns he's a world champion of something she considers "geeky." I mean, he seemed fine before he told you. What changed?
Wub Wub
almost 13 years ago
I don´t see why everyone is so ragey about the article...i´m a huge nerd myself, and i wouldn´t care if someone wrote about me. In my opinion, if you can´t handle a little attitude, you aren´t a real person. But a crybaby.
evil purple tentacle
almost 13 years ago
This purple tentacle is really evil !!!
almost 13 years ago
Frankly,any chick what doesn't know what Magic is doesn't get a second date with me. I have no idea why John would even bother.
nuker of face
almost 13 years ago
wish i didnt read the link it pissed me off she is such a bitch. its not like he talked about it all day and romantic dates are so stupid for first dates. you dont really get to know the real person and if things dont go to plan you just spent shit tons of money on a chick for nothing.
almost 13 years ago
Why does nerf now sometimes freeze my computer for 40 seconds? It doesn't matter what computer, it will freeze sometimes, as in, lock up. What is your website doing Jo?
almost 13 years ago
What else is there to say then: Forever alone!
Kitty Kat
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74549]@Varrick[/url] That is hardly the original, that is the one she cleaned up, look at http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/08/my-okcupid-affair-with-a-world-champion-magic-the-gathering-player
Adam Jensen
almost 13 years ago
I never asked for this.
Todd Perry
almost 13 years ago
*slightly* disappointed that Engie doesn't still have the Femshep haircut.
almost 13 years ago
We're all human :D
Kitty Kat
almost 13 years ago
Oh and she claims she wasn't fired, from Gizmodo, her iternship ended natureally, but seeing as there was, the same day, 5 min later, an article against her on gizmodo?
Kitty Kat
almost 13 years ago
People saying about why are people het up, the article was nicely, that was an EDITED version
was the original.
almost 13 years ago
Ah yes, fanservice, a sure-fire guaranteed way to get more views and attention on the internet. Pasherra, we have dismissed that claim.

Also, the boob-tube and g-string are bound to get some attention.
almost 13 years ago
Be careful guys! We are almost not dividing ourselves and hating each other! Quick! Who is your favourite pony!
almost 13 years ago
Commenting on "Also, note editors exist to approve (or not) such material." I hope people realize that she is indeed an editor and can approve her own articles.
almost 13 years ago
As a guy I know online puts it: Butt-hurt Brigade. Though I need to laugh at it. Yes, people online playing games are nerds. People only noticed it now? Heck, I admit to be a huge nerd wasting my time playing kid games. I just don't make it a point to tell everyone in RL that I play games all day.
almost 13 years ago
Know what? I DO feel like an ugly duckling. There is still a lot of stigma around nerd culture, even between "separate" nerd sub-groups. This leads to a lot of difficulty for cross-group nerds like myself, added with the general stigma from the main-stream culture, makes for some difficulty.
almost 13 years ago
Jo, I've turned adblock off for this site, because I respect you. Hopefully I'll generate you at least a little bit of money :)
almost 13 years ago
Yeah and she even mentioned that "judging people on shallow stuff is human nature" and she just is not above this behaviour - "Maybe I'm shallow for not being able to see past Jon's world title". That just doesn't add with the first panel beside there is no video :P
Biff Tannen
almost 13 years ago
Ohh poor babys - a girl just said that she probably wouldn't have dated him if she knew that he was some Magic the Gathering Champion. Nowhere there are tits in a video to be found - so epic fail. Now crawl in a corner and cry and weep.
@Electric Pope
almost 13 years ago
Apparently he won the World Series of Poker. 3.5mil. But yeah, the guy must be such a loser for being good at something.
almost 13 years ago
Step1: Swear nerds
Step2: ???
Step3: Traffic
Dark Oracle
almost 13 years ago
She's just an intern at gizmodo, so she's not actually getting paid based on any number of hits. Hell, there was a rumor even that she was fired for it, and while it hasn't been proven yet it wouldn't surprise me given gizmodo's nerdiness.
almost 13 years ago
Sounds like a fucking hipster.
And people wonder why geeks and hipsters don't get along.
Thank bloody jesu I'm a fucking weirdo.
(also, ignoring Gawker Media as a general rule. It's run by Brooklynites so vain, they think this comic's about them)
Didn't click it
almost 13 years ago
Luckily I'm NOT the kind of person who can't hold back their curiosity.

No 5 cents from me!
almost 13 years ago
How about some pony comic to raise the traffic Jo?
almost 13 years ago
So, girl doesn't go on any more dates with a guy who has a passion that she doesn't get or want to get. He's subculture famous, oh NO!

Shallow bitch to be ignored.
almost 13 years ago
wait so the person signs up for a dating site, gets barraged with a mess of stupid messages, and decides to vent it on nerds? wow that chick really has some stuck up standards
Electric Pope
almost 13 years ago
You know, if it were poker or blackjack she'd probably think he was the coolest motherfucker around.
almost 13 years ago
Anyone else kind of want to pants engie-tan when she wears something like that?
almost 13 years ago
People still don't get any irony, huh?
almost 13 years ago

Aaaawwww yeah.
almost 13 years ago
It's not just nerd rage, it's expectations from relationships. It's asinine in general. Thank you for mentioning that it is trolltastic. Because it really is.
almost 13 years ago
As someone who attended PAX Prime 2011, let it be known that Geek is sexy. Anyone who says otherwise will never understand and should just be ignored.
almost 13 years ago
you're making me hate engie-tan now Jo. :/
almost 13 years ago
Author seems a bit dim if you ask me. Honestly she signs up for a dating site and didn't expect a barrage of stupid messages?

Rule #1 for dating site messages. If the message does not contain proper spelling and grammar then ignore it.
almost 13 years ago
Dating is like a game. You will get bored, and after a while you'll want something real.
almost 13 years ago
that girl was a snooty bitch to that nerdy guy. He's got a card named after him, thats pretty cool if you ask meh.
almost 13 years ago
I don't get ALL of the rage about the article. She kinda covers her ass at the end saying that she wouldn't normally date him and the dating site didn't give all the info she wanted. If she wants to shorten her pool of potential boyfriends then let her.
almost 13 years ago
I don't know what your ads are doing, man, but whenever I enter your site with Ad-block off something tries to redirect me to a new website.

So, yeah. That's not cool.
almost 13 years ago
I'm hoping to god engie doesn't think that way...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74463]@Mac[/url]: Not here on my end. Just normal, sane ads. [url=#user_comment_74453] @PixelRey[/url]: Commentary on about a certain article in Gizmodo. Read Jo's rantbox for details and link.
almost 13 years ago
Saw that in the escapist also.

I am ashamed of accessing the article.


almost 13 years ago
>>> Remove Nerfnow from adblock in sign of good faith.
>>> Suddenly, entire page disappears and is replaced with crappy Farmville/Age of Faggotry online game ads which take up entire background of website and are so ridiculous, they manage to distract from the actual site.
almost 13 years ago
Don't worry Jo, you deserve ad revenue. :3
almost 13 years ago
Emotional Crit
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, I wouldn't mind being forever alone if they really are bitches and whores.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74454]@Mac[/url]: But you wouldn't Adblock Jo... right? :(
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74454]@Mac[/url]: :(
almost 13 years ago
Ad blocker = no money for famewhore.
almost 13 years ago
You'll forgive me if I don't understand this comic. A whore-ishly dressed engie insults nerdy men on camera, which brings in more traffic all according to plan.

I'm confused.
almost 13 years ago
Well I've just been appreciating this finely drawn strip of black. Modern art is awesome!
almost 13 years ago
This is going to be interesting: Everyone who "mine" this comic's "Female of the Strip"... is basically accepting a female who's talking crap and belittling them.

Or: "I don't care what you think. There is only... boobies..."

Well, what she said.
Kazama Sogetsu
almost 13 years ago
Gawker = TMZ, they'll do anything for more traffic. Didn't we learn anything from the iPhone fiasco?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
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