What people are saying about "Lemons"
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over 1 year ago
Alek: "Squeeze it in the eyes of whoever is giving you problems"
over 1 year ago
Why is Morgan the way she is?
over 1 year ago
SPT saved Tarkov for me, at this point it's just the superior experience for the game
over 1 year ago
(cont) Alek would buckle down and beat the cheaters anyway through sheer dogged determination, thus the crushed lemon. Morgan... is the cheater, and finds the whole situation hilarious. As for Jane, she's not in the strip, because she already rage-quit.
over 1 year ago
Since this is a metaphor for cheaters in online games, here's my interpretation:
Anne streams the game while showcasing the cheaters, thus making money out of them. Angie reports them to the devs, thus turning a game full of cheaters (lemon) into a game without them (apple).
over 1 year ago
Meanwhile, Jane has it turned into an incendiary grenade and burns Life's house down with it.
over 1 year ago
Of course Morgan's the type to enjoy that.
over 1 year ago
There was once I time I thought Morgan was best girl. Nowadays, I realise she is a horrible monster.

Also, wonder what Jane would do?
over 1 year ago
Morgan makes everything look lewd.
over 1 year ago
Blast from the past with a mute strip.
In the past, players hosted their games and could easily kick cheaters. Rise of competitive ques takes that away. It's harder to build a community and vet out bad eggs.