What people are saying about "It's late"
It's late
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about 14 years ago
Prince of Persia 08 was great. Hating it just because of the way it handles dieing is retarded. Better than watching tons of loading screens and dealing with checkpoints.
about 14 years ago
VG Cats did it too:
(Not a Prince of Persia joke though.)
about 14 years ago
Joke has been done before:
That comic you cited was referencing a different game, namely Braid.
Captain Fubar
about 14 years ago
Dude, you control TIME. You're going to have to produce an heir eventually. Just freeze her in stasis until your ready.
about 14 years ago
you only played warrior within? play Prince of Persia the sands of time, that was the best of the 3 SoT trilogy >.> and The Two Thrones wasn't bad either, but the sands of time had the best personality for the prince
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
Seems like Prince here is in quite a predictament...

...destroy time itself and thrust the world into chaos and unimagiable horrors OR "chile."

*Shifts eyes between the two while weighing them*
Mine fags
about 14 years ago
He already had it before you posted on the picture :trollface:
Joke has been done before
about 14 years ago
And it is clearer too
about 14 years ago
Wow, the Falcon Punch one is hilarious.
about 14 years ago
Quick! C> A Cv C> A Cv!
Great Biotic Wind
about 14 years ago
I dont get the Prince of Persia hate. Its not like teh hardcorez were forced to use the feature - you may as well load your last save (or even restart the game) every time Elika saves Prince...
about 14 years ago

PRESS THE R1 (was it the R2 button on the ps2?) TO PERFORM ABORTION BACK IN TIME
about 14 years ago
Baby is unborn spy!
about 14 years ago
Nothing a good ol' Falcon Punch couldn't solve. Faster and easier, too.
Khan FurSainty
about 14 years ago
Lol, good one, Mujaki.
Major Chaos
about 14 years ago
If we all had time travel would anyone ever be born again?
the /co/mp/a/triot
about 14 years ago
@Sven Spevec's photo note
You have choosen wisely, with her pregnancy, those boobs will get BIGGER
about 14 years ago
If you had to do this, you'd want to hope that you've got a way to fast-forward through those four weeks, otherwise you'll have to take the long way back.
about 14 years ago
Prince has found: Homewrecker
about 14 years ago
It's not really an abortion if you go back in time to stop yourself from spooging in a girl.
about 14 years ago
I do belive she is pregnant and that he dosent really seem forward to marriage and children wich means: Breaky Breaky :D
about 14 years ago
Marriage Proposal? Who knows.
about 14 years ago
1st post; I don't get it.
Is she pregnant, and he doesn't want it?