What people are saying about "Big F"
Big F
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almost 3 years ago
Honestly, I never saw the appeal in Berserk. Looked like another double dose of grimdark and edgy.
about 3 years ago
Final Fantasy 14 was full of people as Dark Knights holding vigil the last couple days, and Bards using the 'perform' action to play Guts' Theme, as the player community of 14 is, if nothing else, good at that kind of stuff.
about 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Can hear Guts' Theme play in the background.
about 3 years ago
The man was the next incarnation of Tolkien, and the world is poorer for his passing. May he rest in peace.
about 3 years ago
Gimme a triple-dose. Olivier Jean-Marie, creator of Zig & Sharko also passed away.
about 3 years ago
I read on Reddit that he had story-boarded the rest of the story and that he had strong control over the IP, so there is hope that there will be a coherent ending to the story. I'm sure there will always be the question of 'Is this how Miura would have wanted it', but at least there's something.
about 3 years ago
I wonder what the future will be for the story though, it's too large of an IP to be left alone so someone is bound to continue it eventually.

Anyways RIP Miura, your works have thought me that life is worth fighting for, regardless of the outcome.
about 3 years ago

We've lost a pillar of both manga and grimdark, I feel sad we'll probably never know the end of that masterpiece. Even if others step up, it'll not be the same, and unless he told them of the storyboard for the rest of the story, it'll feel like desecration to continue...
about 3 years ago
I've never read Berserk but I know of it.. I bid him farewell and may he rest in peace, another great artist has gone. :'(
about 3 years ago
The crunch anime and manga artists endure makes the crunch the video game industry look like a cakewalk.
about 3 years ago

Anyways, he didn't die of overwork. He used to do overwork at first but not anymore. Berserk wasn't drawn by Miura anymore but for his mangakas of the Studio Gaga

about 3 years ago
@Boomfly: The saddest part is that this is not an isolated outlying case, but the norm amongst mangaka. It's an industry that makes video game companies and their crunches look positively lax and benign in comparison.
about 3 years ago
I never got into Berserk but I feel everyone's pain at the news of this loss. This makes me worried about other mangaka that don't take care of themselves and push themselves to pen 12 hour days. It also makes me think critically of Oda for seemingly refusing to end OnePiece. No one lives forever
about 3 years ago
No no no no nononononono NOOOOO!!! I've been reading Berserk for Going on 2 decades, now it will never be completed! This hurts.
about 3 years ago
From his own statements: he hadn't had two days off in a row for years and slept 4 hours a day. There's no inborn 'talent', he sacrificed his body and mind for the sake of his art. Draw for ~18h a day for 19 years, you'll be as good as him. (Hiatuses started after 19 years.)