What people are saying about "Dynamax"
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about 5 years ago
@Lorenzo Lotto yeah, miss them too. Someone has to continue legacy
about 5 years ago
@Vode An I miss being able to "mine" the picture.
Also, I hereby mine a slice of that tasty pikachu meat
about 5 years ago
after all this serious chat talk about Pokemon, i will just claim Anne-Marie armpit on 2nd panel
about 5 years ago
I really wish they did some alterations to the battles... like people said, it's excessively basic, it lacks some flavor. I guess it can't be changed withou making people angry, but it'd be nice to have at least a spinoff series with different and dynamic combat mechanics.
about 5 years ago
Remember when beating your rival in Red was exciting?lol
about 5 years ago
If you think Pokemon is too simple, take a gander at the competitive-meta sometime.
about 5 years ago
compared to gen two.
and then I never played gen four because I never had a DS for a very long time. I own at least one of the gen fours now, but I have no interest in playing pokemon without a friend. mainly, I did want to max out my pokedex in soul silver but, that won't ever happen.
about 5 years ago
gen three improved smaller but important things. like understanding stats to better max out your pokemon, and greatly improved graphics, but they removed a lot of features like day and night, having more than one area to explore. why the gameplay was noticably improved, it felt like half a game
about 5 years ago
gen 2 was the best. it had a ton of quality of life improvements over gen one, actually creative pokemon looks, twice the area to explore, and tons of features like day and night and the radio. better organization, etc.
about 5 years ago
Gen One was fine. Yes, you were still bound by some fairly basic principles in how the story was progressed and accessing certain areas was designed around said progress to limit players until later on but it was MOSTLY a hands-off approach.

They ruined a good, simple formula.
about 5 years ago
I have no motivation to become invested in side characters which do not know how to shut up for more than two minutes at a time without spouting some random nonsense that just disturbs the flow of my immersion.

They can no longer do worldbuilding correctly anymore and it shows.
about 5 years ago
I hate modern Pokemon games because you're being stopped every 10 seconds with insulting unskippable dialogue about shit you don't care about?

What was SO HARD about just letting people wander around, discovering things on their own, and only being interrupted when it was NECESSARY?
about 5 years ago
The story isn't really the main draw of the games anymore since multiplayer is so easy to jump into now, gen5 onwards introduced new means of EV training for that specific reason.
about 5 years ago
Sure, it's easy; at its core it is still meant for kids. But there have always been lategame options to make it entertaining + multiplayer. If that doesn't cut it...
You can try Pokémon Insurgence. It's an unofficial fan game, free to download, with a darker story (people die) and a lot harder.
about 5 years ago
Objection! Hau was the one time that a rival was weak to us, and he's the rival that couldn't bloody rival properly. Hopefully "Hop" (what a dumb name...) and any other rivals we have will actually be proper rivals this time around.
about 5 years ago
@jo you fell for the mandela effect pikachu has no black tip on his tail, only pikachu libre has a black tip : D
about 5 years ago
I always power level my one team to the point that outside the elite 4 which i only got to in 1 or 2 games, I was one shotting everything due to level and type difference.
it's also a game I can't get into anymore because of how boring and basic the combat is. it's less engaging than classic FF.
about 5 years ago
what?! they did what?! they're supposed to pick one stronger than yours!!! what have they done?!
about 5 years ago
Most of the people complaining about it getting easier are people complaining about quality of life changes. The base game is, and always was, easy. And it's very easy to only make it easier for yourself, by, say, catching everything, grinding for levels. You can also NOT, if you prefer challenge.
about 5 years ago
@Austin Werling while the games have become more complicated they have managed to also become a lot easier at the same time because the complicated parts are mostly behind the scenes or things you don't tend to think about.
about 5 years ago
Fresh Pikachu... I didn't see that one coming and it's brilliantly dark. xD
about 5 years ago
Pokemon in a gameplay sense is a lot more complicated than it seems, and has gotten more complicated over the years.

The main storylines and Pokemon Let's Go on the other hand aren't really hard.