What people are saying about "The Climb"
The Climb
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almost 7 years ago
If your team has 2 Symmetras, and is on Defense, then your game is already won, unless the enemy team has crazy good Widowmakers or Hanzos. I play Symmetra when I don't care for playing and just need to get the loot boxes.
about 7 years ago
You're not able to pick the same character in casual mode... And I've never played a quickplay game yet without at least 1 tank and healer.
about 7 years ago
I avoid competitive gaming like the plague. FPS or card games or whatever. people are *************s and ******s. and that's no fun. Yes. I am a Filthy Casual. AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!
about 7 years ago
If I play alone, ranked or casual I always tryhard. But playing with friends? F@ck all, I don't even care.
about 7 years ago
I don't know about Overwatch, but over here in HotS, Quick Match is basically "tryharding with shit matchmaking." Honestly at this point I question why I don't just play ranked.
about 7 years ago
The only reason you'd have multiple hanzos and symmetras is if you're in No Limits or something
about 7 years ago
Looks about right, I finally made it to gold and was so close to platinum. Like 50 points away!

QP for me looks really is to have fun and all that jazz and try out wacky strata that shouldn't be able to work.