What people are saying about "Dark Seer 2"
Dark Seer 2
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about 7 years ago
actually, even regular Lina looks a lot like Chandra.
is this a thing like Crystal Maiden and Jaina?
about 7 years ago
Lina Arcana reminds me of Chandra from MTG
about 7 years ago
What? Bald Lina is best Lina.
about 7 years ago
Interesting how you assume the fighting in dota will ever stop and that civilization will somehow continue. What happens outside of the arena where they are defending the ancients 2 ?
about 7 years ago
Now he's old!

over 7 years ago
My only experience with moba is totalbiscuit single draft disaster and awesomenauts.
After 3k hours the game is fun platforming turret pushing (espionage?) action.
over 7 years ago
Techies mines do 150 damage level one now effectively deleting your chances of roaming early and getting first blood
over 7 years ago
The only arcana I'd almost bought was Legion Commander's one. By far the most stylish IMO. Phantom Assassin's has some cool effects, but a pretty ugly model. I'd rather a normal cosmetic with the arcana effects. Same thing with Jugg. Nice effects, fugly model.
over 7 years ago
looks like they gave it a red style now Jo.