What people are saying about "Summer Games"
Summer Games
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about 8 years ago
That burger was a great choice.
5 words.
Ken Ashcorp In the Zone.
about 8 years ago
So when do we have a page about Purify?

Especially after Jo's comic last month about buffing priests...
about 8 years ago
It's really nice and cute seeing Zone-Tan making casual, non-lewd appearances. Stuff like this makes me wonder what kinda movies they watch together and what her favorite fast food place is.
about 8 years ago
@Plasma Mongoose: That's ok. Just wait till next month and you can binge marathon it, just like any other tv show!
about 8 years ago
The Rio games are on now? I thought it was next month.
about 8 years ago
@Gratua Cuun: Or just avoid a shitshow that is wrecking his home country.
about 8 years ago
Also, it looks like ZoneTan's hair is missing in panels 1 and 3. It might be hidden behind her, but still, looks weird. (I know there's a purple color near her neck)
about 8 years ago
I wonder how Lenny (that's his name right?) reacts to TentaJo's scent.
Can TentaJo squirt ink?
I hear it's good on burgers. Never tried it (or will try it) though.
Sounds dirty, but not intended.
about 8 years ago
zone-tan really needs to release some new games
about 8 years ago
My friends are like this, except we're talking about USA politics lol
about 8 years ago
Tentajo is wise - leave the 'sportz' to weird healthy people who spend time outside.
about 8 years ago
People who play Overwatch, for one. I've only got sixteen days to get that bloody Tracer skin.
about 8 years ago
does anyone else notice her sandwich/burger seemingly wrapped itself between panels 1 and 2?
about 8 years ago
Zone-sama really looks cute here.
about 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira: I take it you know Zone-sama pretty well, Jo?
about 8 years ago
Why would she care about the games either?
Reinis Ivanovs
about 8 years ago
It's actually not surprising that EHOME is strong if you look at their roster.
about 8 years ago
I wonder how she feels about Breeding Season collapsing after spurple ran off with the money
about 8 years ago
@Tomas Buiting: It's behind the back, the braid isn't straigh to the spine, it hang to the right of her body.
about 8 years ago
The Overwatch crowd cares about the summer games. New loot crates!
about 8 years ago
Why does Zone's hair suddenly grow to mid-back length in the second panel?
about 8 years ago
I like the little details such as the belly bulge zone-sama has after devouring that burger. Zone-sama is really cute in these Nerfnow's comic but i keep wondering when will they do it?

You know. Play games