What people are saying about "Pokemon Adventure"
Pokemon Adventure
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over 12 years ago
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almost 13 years ago
Wait wheres may?
Crossdressing James
almost 13 years ago
Officer Jenny is in on it too. Talk about corruption.

Anyone remember the casinos?
Sasha Nekosune
over 13 years ago
now THIS. is how pokemon should be. Very Realistic.
over 13 years ago
I don't understand this comic. Pokemon fighting each other..? Well Duh. That's what happens in the games. Also, it's poorly drawn.
Pills McMollies
about 14 years ago
So, Charizard....I hear you liek da mudkipz?
Pills McMollies
about 14 years ago
Seriously, Pokemon teaches kids terrible morals. They tell kids to run away at 10-12 years old with a woman (who leaves and is replaced every few months), a brown pervert who always has his eyes closed (AND NEVER LEAVES!), and a whole slew of animals you need to train to fight one another for cash.
over 14 years ago
i love misty!!! screw all of the other women! who's with me!!!
over 14 years ago
I have my iPhone synced to my Yahoo contacts. When I add or change an address in Yahoo on my computer, my iPhone gets updated, but when I add a contact on my iPhone, my Yahoo address book online doesn't get updated. Is there a way to allow changes on my iPhone to affect my Yahoo address book?

almost 15 years ago
This is how it should be. seriously.
almost 15 years ago
hi, i've been canvassing this internet site for a while; Figured I would say something=)
Johnny Turbo
almost 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
Well, a friend of mine always said that Pokemon is just a glorified form of cockfighting, and I agree!  Get a good team to get rare ones, train them up, ect...  Its pretty damn funny to see it here like this too.
about 15 years ago
I know about Pokemon, but I really do not understand this comic strip! Ash gets some Pokemon fixed up, then leaves, and goes to a pokemon fight, where his bulbasaur gets messed up by a mudkip, then the mudkip messes up the charazard? I don't get it! Someone please explain.
about 15 years ago
gelugon2105: VG cats is awesome
about 15 years ago
Mechtaur is too hardcore for this stuff!
about 15 years ago
This comic wasn't too shocking for Pokemon, especially since I read the Pokemon Special (Pokemon Adventure for the American version) Manga.
I mean, seriously, an Arbok gets sliced in half in it. And that isn't even much from the rest of the series.
about 15 years ago
Anyone else notice Brock's "Girlfirend" is Professor Ivy?
about 15 years ago
I wish misty would show her boobs
about 15 years ago
"Bitch be tripping balls". - lololollol

That was a line from one of the strips for VG Cats. I hope that you, the creator of Nerf Now, were not inspired to do this because of some of the strips in VG Cats. VG Cats can be quite despicable at times, and is NOT a suitable role model for you.
about 15 years ago
Lemon, note that English isn't his primary language.
about 15 years ago

Pokemon is plural in this specific case, you should have used were instead of was.
about 15 years ago
everytime i think of pokemon, i hear "pokemans, pokemans" in that konata timotei~ voice...
about 15 years ago
I herd mudkipz liek u
about 15 years ago
pokemon should really be like this. nice and brutal
about 15 years ago
Bah. I have seen tons of comics that portray Pokemon fights from a bloody and gory perspective. You need to do better.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
C'mon, who DIDN'T imagine Pokemon taking on real injuries from fighting?  I remember teaching Mega Punch to my first Charizard so I could imagine Team Rocket having to peel their Pokemon's remains off the ceiling.
about 15 years ago
Let's take up a vote: Will this be the start of a new arc? :P
Who has seen Brock with his eyes open? >_> So creepy that way...
about 15 years ago
bitch be tripping balls
pom pom man
about 15 years ago
What? No pom pom in this comic?
I want my money back!
about 15 years ago
Hi! I like shorts!
Zak Canard
about 15 years ago
Rabid Mudkip is rabid.
about 15 years ago
Its Darwinism meets cockfighting.

I always thought it was a bit brutal yet it never seemed that way. Getting Bitten and thrashed about was no big deal. Oh a trip to the pokecenter. Good as new.
about 15 years ago
Bulbasaur's alright, I'll just use a potion on it!
Maxis Lithium
about 15 years ago
this is exactly what I invision Pokemon to really be like.
about 15 years ago
In Pokemon Red Original there is a tower for dead Pokemons-Nintendo never let this came back in other entries of the series. For Ninten life is not like in nature....
about 15 years ago
One (hyphenated) word: Poke-tan
also, I feel somehow enlightened
about 15 years ago
Pokemon is far more violent then I remember it.
about 15 years ago
I heard a rumor that Charizard doesn not approve of Mudkips.
about 15 years ago
that pokemon got sliced in half except for his entrails, including it's spine. Talk about a sophisticated fatality.
about 15 years ago
@Spikes01k: Definitively. When I first heard of the game, I thought about those c... rooster fights.
I can also tell that that first panel took a bit of work (not as much as a TF2 scenario, but still).
Delicious Dawn
about 15 years ago
Hmmm... delicious Dawn is delicious
about 15 years ago
Yeah, people have made this association before. Nice to see it in action though! Thanks
about 15 years ago

This is definitely more bloody than I remember. Didn't think a pokemon's insides would be colour co-ordinated with its skin.
mr flibbles
about 15 years ago
So i herd u liek....

Bah forget it
That One Guy
about 15 years ago
Poor Bulbasaur...
about 15 years ago
Oh come on, this is totally unrealistic.  I mean, Brock never had any luck with women!
about 15 years ago
I love you. <3
about 15 years ago
That has totally changed my perception of pokemon forever.
about 15 years ago
I heard u liek mudkips
about 15 years ago
Pokemon only faint in the game. I'm up for something much more brutal.
about 15 years ago
So I herd u liek mudkipz?
about 15 years ago
The sad reality of Pokemon revealed: cockfighting with a touch of cutesy anime eyes
about 15 years ago