What people are saying about "Universal Suf-Frag"
Universal Suf-Frag
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almost 11 years ago
Careful CS:GO, they are coming for you!
Commelina XD-26
almost 11 years ago
I have noticed that Jo have changed his artstyle in the recent strips, especially Engie-tan.
almost 11 years ago
CoD...with fish AI. Now that's got to be a joke all in itself. What, your buddies flop around on the ground gasping for air?
almost 11 years ago
This new Cod is the textbook example of triing too hard. The true forward step will only come from devs who will not feel the need to actually mention these as a selling point. But what fuck ever the dudebro demographic doesn't care either way and that's what matters. Sadly.
almost 11 years ago
You know a game is doomed when a company advertises features that don't actually add up to the game as a whole, playability or fun.
Btw.: Boob slider or pre-sized tits ? *sniper position*
almost 11 years ago
So....are bewbs a perk or a killstreak? :p
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334778]@Karbon[/url]: You're not get it. Is CoD, WWII or BOII have a dog companion or improved fish AI? NO! Those games still have a long way to go.
almost 11 years ago
In an earlier CoD you play as a female Russian sniper in WWII
Theres also Karma/Chloe in the Second Chance mission of Black Ops II
So not really a first time thing
almost 11 years ago
I really need to know the exact time ppl post stuff. I'm ALWAYS late for those keys...
almost 11 years ago
No more dota2 comics? oowwwww
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334766]@Lien[/url] Nope, this is finally a completely serious comic this time, unlike the previous 1085. Jo is moving forward too like CoD. But keep guessing, you are on the right track. You will get it soon, like the rest of us.
almost 11 years ago
I lol with the Remember, No Russi.. barking.
almost 11 years ago
...I don't get it... The gender option, fish ai and dog companions leads to a massacre in bikini bottom? What? Is jo trying to be random here?
almost 11 years ago
My good sir, you are a genius. I laughed so hard I thought I might never stop :) :) :)
almost 11 years ago
Well, found this is backers got an extra "buddy" keys for beta test. Another one


Working only until 22 aug (official release date). GL HF
almost 11 years ago
I wonder how ludicrously impractical the female attire's going to be. Shouldn't really be so at all, but...we'll see.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334759]@RVN[/url]: I'm oblivious. Time to goodle.
almost 11 years ago
no comic about...? you know, that CS GO thing thats going on
almost 11 years ago
Man, those keys got used fast.
almost 11 years ago
You go from dota2 comics to a call of duty comic

What next? a Superman 64 comic?