What people are saying about "The Gift Which Keeps On Giving"
The Gift Which Keeps On Giving
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 11 years ago
Xbox One is going to receive tons of hate in Japan. I live here and everyone is going to boycott the shit out of it.
Sir Scarfalot
almost 11 years ago
@Commenter 000092384: At the very beginning.

Or at least, there's "mine" all over the first blonde engi-tan. Could have appeared later on, but she just BEGS for it :3
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308422]@Nerd[/url] I've got that but what I meant is what does this have to do anything with slipping on butter/wasabi/random goo of slapstick?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308750]@AckAckAck[/url]: I can't mistake you for something you're not. In the first place, I can't even know your race by you typing fucking words. You've been trolled, and made to look like an idiot. no one can tell what race you are on nerfnow. Believing I "mistook you for another race" shows you're stupid.
about 11 years ago
@WHAT!??!: That's alright. I already basking in the fact that someone actually mistake me for another race and that's hilarious!
about 11 years ago
Ah I like her design. Xbone is cute.
But seriously
about 11 years ago
When is Xbox going to make out with origin
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308425]@AckAckAck[/url]: You can say you are anything on the internet. There is no reason to believe you.
about 11 years ago
@WHAT!??!: HAHAHAHAHAHA you missed the shot completely! I'm not white, I'm Asian and live in a country MS don't want to support!

FYI Apple products, foreign cars and designer products are sold very well in Asia. So Saneperson accusation is blatantly ignorant.

So yeah, slip up some more MS.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308390]@Davtwan[/url]: But mom, he started it!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308391]@Dave[/url]: Nevermind, I don't think it works in Japan.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308391]@Dave[/url]: There is no Asian market for X-Box One. Basically, you have to log onto the Xbox network every 24 hours, and you can't do that in countries not supported by it. Early pictures Microsoft showed of the supported regions didn't even include Japan (but I think that's been changed.
about 11 years ago
Okay, maybe It's because I don't really follow this new console war, but I really don't get today's strip. Can someone explain please.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308378]@AckAckAck[/url]: @WHAT!??!: Don't start this shit, guys.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308378]@AckAckAck[/url]: You're fucking white. You know fucking nothing about racism. Eat a bucket of crap
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308229]@Saneperson[/url]: For a guy who named himself "saneperson" you sounds very ignorant and racist. Fuck off you fucking racist asshole. I don't mind trolls, but I don't tolerate racist trolls.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308332]@Dook[/url]: Actually it's Mattrick's acting like a douche as usual. The worst part is he's talking about military members on assignment without internet (Submarine crews to be exact). The worst of the worst? it's real! he said it in an video interview.
about 11 years ago
Bowser and Peach in love .... f*ck i just spent too much time on doujin sites =3
about 11 years ago
Xbox One and the MS marketing spring eternal. I think the latest bit was "wanna play offline? buy a 360". You can't make that shit up.
about 11 years ago
@=_=: its xbox one, disappointing its their thing
about 11 years ago
@Delta Echo: Zero is a retard.
Ah, marvellous comment section.
about 11 years ago

Hahahaha oh wow
about 11 years ago

Xbox One just keeps getting a beatdown.
about 11 years ago
I wonder when we'll see PS4-tan.
about 11 years ago
Considering that the "asian market" involves more propaganda about how "Bad" everything that isn't japanese is and more protectionism than every other continent combined.

about 11 years ago
Yeah, Murica sounds pretty damn rude, if you want to take it with a grain of salt, fine, but I, personally, don't like it.
about 11 years ago
@=_=: she's going commando, giving the audience something to "watch". Geddit? Watch, as in mediacenter...
about 11 years ago
nice tits
about 11 years ago
America, Fuck Yeah!

Sometimes it's like Microsoft is trying to fail. This level of incompetence is hard to explain any other way.
Mitt Romney
about 11 years ago
Amarcia always comes first.
about 11 years ago
Master Chief is going to get his most difficult mission yet.

Getting people to like the Xbox One.
about 11 years ago
Microsoft really cares about the asian and eu market, it is just that now MS is controlled by a bald salesman.
about 11 years ago
Who the hell would want her? Wayyy too high maintenance and online only :P
Her big brother is ALWAYS watching.
about 11 years ago
Guys wait for prices of the games.
about 11 years ago
No pantsu? That is so underwhelming...
about 11 years ago
@An American:
To be fair the "Murica" stereotype seems to fit fairly well on the Xbox-team so far.
The classic "World=America+3rd world" worldview stereotype was displayed wonderfully when they devoted 80% of their revealation even to a feature that would not even be accessable outside Murica.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307857]@Chessrook44[/url]: ha ha good one. :D
about 11 years ago
Okay, after 2 XBOne-tan strips it's time to get PS4-tan out. Can you do that?^^
An American
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_308035]@Awkward[/url]: No, it's really not. "Murica" has always been an insult, since it sounds like it's being said by a severely uneducated backwoods hick. It's laced with all the ideas we generally make fun of the *extreme* right-wingers and imbecilic backwoods hicks tend to support.
about 11 years ago
So many photo nots, it's almost as if the image is being censored with rectangles.
about 11 years ago
@Delta Echo: Lol not really... 'Murica is sort of a "Yankee Doodle" type of insult, where the rest of the world may be assume that the Americans would be offended, while Americans take it as a sort of pride granting mark.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307953]@Zero[/url]: Thing people are ignoring is fairly simple, both Xbox and 360 sold horribly in Asia, so their decision is completely understandable in that regard.
lmao xbox
about 11 years ago
It will only be sold in, what, 27 countries?

What is Microsoft going to blame when the Xbox One inevitably fails to sell? My money is on the leprechauns.
Great Biotic Wind
about 11 years ago
Yeah, makes you wish the E3 already started and we could get some comics about all those new games.
I guess we are stuck with Xbox bashing until then...
Zero is a retard
about 11 years ago
Just as my name says. I fail to see how someone with so little logic is still alive. Wouldn't retards with minimal logic be hit by a bus already because they can't even grasp the simple concept of a traffic light.
about 11 years ago
@Commenter 000092384: You must be new around here. You should try and read the old comics. Great fun there, actually!

Oh, and second panel needs a minesweeper comic all its own.
Delta Echo
about 11 years ago
Jake'm: To him.
Delta Echo
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307980]@DeizRouge[/url]: You do realise that referring to Americans as "'Muricans" is the same thing as referring to Japanese as "Japs", right?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307953]@Zero[/url]: lol a wholly 'Murican comment just like Anon said before its cause of either murican divisions thinking they wont sell or murican politicians getting points by not allowing things to get to Murica, its only in the best interest for Japanese to get a bigger market selling everything they have
Commenter 000092384
about 11 years ago
I wonder when did this claiming trend began.
about 11 years ago
Isn't it the American division that decides to not release a game in US because they have heavy prejudices over said game?

"This cutesy game won't sell in the testosterone addicted american market, let's not even bother to release it here.
recton much?
about 11 years ago
I notice that a certain symbol is missing from the chest area.
about 11 years ago
I can't honestly fault a USA-based company like Microsoft for telling Japan to go to hell, considering how much the Japanese market has said the same to us. There's always been a huge number of games lacking imports, more so now than ever. So if they wont share their toys, why should we? Jerks.
about 11 years ago
Why do the noters want her? She's so overpriced...
Beep Boop
about 11 years ago
Manbearpigchildren? :)
about 11 years ago
Jo, the americans have a saying of "foot in mouth" when they fuck up.
And we germans say "to step into a lard cup".
Frank Dos
about 11 years ago
So I'm guessing she peed on herself and slipped on her own piss?
about 11 years ago
Sometimes this comic makes statements that are really interesting, so I go to the comments section to discuss them. I am then promptly scared off by a bunch of manchildren claiming "mine" on all the girly parts. That boob is seriously just a backwards C.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_307867]@DrEvilBrain[/url] "Xbone One" is redundant. The XB in it means X Box and the rest of the Bone is the One.
about 11 years ago
You guys want the Xbone One?

about 11 years ago
@Delta Echo: I just wanna make sure, are you calling him or me a troll? Cause I'm not TRYING to troll here, it just seems to come off like that a lot.
Delta Echo
about 11 years ago
@Mister Pink: Here we see the common internet troll, Trollus internetus. Behavioral characteristics include projection of behavior on others, denial of being a troll, posting of "FIRST", and declaring others to be "retards", "aspies", "manchildren", and other personal attacks. Do not feed.
Rooster with a DICK
about 11 years ago
Yep, still can keep 'er.
about 11 years ago
@Mister Pink: Oh I'm with Jack. You want to claim Clingy Girlfriend go right ahead.
Mister Pink
about 11 years ago
@Jake'm: Look at this bitter gentlemen, jealous he did not get to MINE the comic.

about 11 years ago
The irony in all these "MINE" photo notes is that they're claiming ownership over a nigh-yandere console personification.

You guys can have her :V
about 11 years ago
Darn! Missed for a couple of minutes!

So I guess it's: "Welcome to the fall of..." Oh! You know the rest, pals.
about 11 years ago
Well, second. >_> Microsoft never really cared about the asian market anyway, and the asian market never cared about Microsoft's consoles.
Mister Pink
about 11 years ago